Ashton Kutcher dragged for saying Ellen never pandered to celebrity – Insider – INSIDER

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  • After Ashton Kutcher defended Ellen DeGeneres on Twitter on Wednesday, fans dragged him for saying that the host “never pandered to celebrity” — despite being very famous himself.
  • “She & her team have only treated me & my team w/ respect & kindness,” Kutcher tweeted. “She never pandered to celebrity which I always saw as a refreshing honesty. When things aren’t right she handles it and fixes.”
  • One person replied: “Employees are complaining about their work experience there. Can that be understood? No one knows what it’s like but them. It’s invalidating what *they* experienced on a regular basis.”
  • Kutcher replied to several commenters, telling one that the good treatment he received extended to his entire team and people DeGeneres “didn’t even know” he worked with.
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Ashton Kutcher is being dragged online after he defended Ellen DeGeneres and said that the chat-show host “never pandered to celebrity.”

“I haven’t spoken with @TheEllenShow and can only speak from my own experience,” Kutcher tweeted on Wednesday. “She & her team have only treated me & my team w/ respect & kindness. She never pandered to celebrity which I always saw as a refreshing honesty. When things aren’t right she handles it and fixes.”

Many fans responded to Kutcher’s tweet trying to explain exactly why DeGeneres is being scrutinized.

A person with the handle @AmeriNaija tweeted: “I get celebrity friends coming out in defense of Ellen to an extent. And I like Ellen. But… employees are complaining about their work experience there. Can that be understood? No one knows what it’s like but them. It’s invalidating what *they* experienced on a regular basis.”

Kutcher replied, “I understand.”

Kutcher responded to several people — he told @DheerMD that he felt that “people should be held accountable for THEIR actions.”

A person with the handle @dearlydianak replied to Kutcher’s original tweet with “Yes because you are a celebrity.”

Kutcher responded, “But it extends to my team and people she didn’t even know I work with.”

Kutcher has appeared on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” several times.

The show is now the focus of an internal investigation following former employees’ allegations of racial discrimination, sexual misconduct, and a toxic work environment. DeGeneres herself has also faced severe backlash this year.

A former producer, Hedda Muskat, recently said there was a “culture of fear” at the show and described DeGeneres as a “toxic host.”

Meanwhile, some celebrities have appeared split on DeGeneres. The “Everybody Loves Raymond” actor Brad Garrett agreed with the criticism and said that DeGeneres mistreating people was “common knowledge.” Kutcher, Kevin Hart, and DeGeneres’ wife, Portia de Rossi, have defended her.

In an open letter to “Ellen Show” staff last month, DeGeneres responded to allegations of “issues” with her show and said she was “disappointed to learn” that employees felt unhappy and disrespected on set.

DeGeneres also apologized to people who weren’t treated with fairness or respect and said she was “committed to ensuring this does not happen again.”