METALLICA To Play Encore Drive-In Nights Show At Drive-In Theaters Across North America – BLABBERMOUTH.NET

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METALLICA To Play 'Encore Drive-In Nights' Show At Drive-In Theaters Across North America

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METALLICA has confirmed its return to the stage for the first time since the September 2019 “S&M²” concerts that opened Chase Center in San Francisco. METALLICA will be the first rock band to be featured in the Encore Drive-In Nights series, with a full set showing August 29 at hundreds of drive-in and outdoor theaters across the United States and Canada. The show will be shot specially for the Encore Drive-In Nights Series at a location near the band’s Northern California headquarters and will subsequently be edited and mixed by METALLICA‘s award-winning production team to the highest standards possible. The concert, the band’s first show in nearly a year, will feature material from throughout their near-four-decade career and provide METALLICA fans with an intimate, unique and truly memorable concert experience.

Pre-sale tickets, available exclusively to METALLICA‘s Fifth Member fan club, will go on sale on August 12 at this location. General on-sale will begin on August 14. Every ticket purchase — which admits one carload of up to six people — will include four digital downloads of METALLICA‘s “S&M²”, the long-awaited album documenting the two historic concerts that reunited the band and San Francisco Symphony for the first time in 20 years. “S&M²” will be released August 28 on the band’s own Blackened Recordings.

The METALLICA show is part of the Encore Drive-In Nights series, which is presented by leading event production company Encore Live. Since June, Encore Live has partnered with drive-in theaters across the country to provide world-class entertainment in a safe, creative way.

For more information and to see if a venue near you is presenting the show, visit or call your local theater.

In addition to METALLICA, THREE DAYS GRACE will also serve as the official Encore Drive-In Nights opening act for the August 29 show.

Drive-in theaters hosting the concert will adhere to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended guidelines as well as all state and local health mandates. Staff will wear personal protective equipment and enforce at least six feet of space between cars. The series will also use contactless payment and ticketing systems and limit capacity in restrooms. Guidelines around concessions will be enforced to abide by individual state regulations.

For a full list of procedures that the Encore Drive-In Nights is employing to keep fans and staff safe, visit

Unlike traditional concert tickets that are bought for one fan’s individual admission, each purchase for Encore Drive-In Nights’ concerts will admit one carload of fans. That means up to six people can enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime show for one price.

In early May, the four members of METALLICA overcame social distancing to record a new version of their song “Blackened”, with each member separated in his own home. The split-screen video was posted to the band’s social media channels.

Back in April, drummer Lars Ulrich revealed in an online chat that the band could get together to write and record a new album while in quarantine.

METALLICA has been largely out of the public eye since last fall when the band canceled an Australian tour and announced that frontman James Hetfield was returning to rehab for the first time since 2002 to battle his addictions.

In March, METALLICA announced that its South American tour, which was originally planned for April, has been postponed until December. In addition, the band’s appearances at five Danny Wimmer Presents-produced festivals in May, September and October have been canceled: Epicenter in Charlotte, Welcome To Rockville in Daytona, Sonic Temple in Columbus, Louder Than Life in Louisville and Aftershock in Sacramento.


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