Tesla App To Finally Get Embarrassingly Late Two-Factor Authentication, Musk Says – Yahoo Finance

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Tesla Inc. (NASDAQ: TSLA) CEO Elon Musk acknowledged on social media Friday the delay in implementation of the two-factor security layer on the automaker’s mobile app.

What Happened

“Sorry, this is embarrassingly late. Two-factor authentication via sms or authenticator app is going through final validation right now,” Musk said, responding to the tweets of his followers.

It isn’t immediately clear from Musk’s announcement whether Tesla would choose to implement two-factor authentication through text messages or a phone authenticator app, such as one made by Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ: GOOGL) (NASDAQ: GOOG). Users could have the option to opt for either mechanism as well.

The company’s app offers critical functionality to drivers, including granting them entry to the vehicles and enabling them to monitor battery charging.

Why It Matters

Two-factor authentication adds another layer of security to a website or an app, which can prevent unauthorized entry in case a users’ password is compromised.

The phone authenticator app method of two-factor verification is thought to be more secure than authentication by text message, TechCrunch noted earlier.

Musk first mentioned two-factor authentication in May 2019 and said in April that it was “coming soon.” Tesla owners have become more vociferous in demanding the security measure, according to TechCrunch.

After Twitter Inc’s (NYSE: TWTR) platform was hijacked in July, affecting several high-profile accounts, including Musk’s, cybersecurity experts recommend two-factor authentication, along with other measures to protect critical apps.

Price Action 

Tesla shares closed nearly 1.8% higher at $1,650.71 on Friday and fell almost 0.3% in the after-hours session.

Photo courtesy: Steve Jurvetson on Flickr

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