Ask Amy: Essential worker feels forgotten – The Washington Post – Washington Post

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With all the closed places out there the ones that have been open are being overrun. We essential workers are tired and feel that we are also forgotten. The unemployed have been getting more from the government than I make in a month. I am struggling to pay my bills and would be losing my house if not for family and friends.

All I want is for someone to acknowledge that we are in need, too. Thank you for listening.

One of the Forgotten: You don’t say what work you do, but whether you work in a store, a warehouse, a post office, hospital, precinct, school, coffee shop, cafe, or fast-food restaurant, you are valuable and yes, essential. You are valuable as a person, as a worker, and as a provider for your family. And yes, you are also lucky to be working. You say that you love your job, and that’s a bonus.

Those on unemployment are facing a financial cliff and a lot of uncertainty as their government benefits run out. They don’t have what you have: Steady employment doing work you love, and the ability to provide for yourself and your family in the longer term. Many of the strangers you encounter each day wish they could say they were “essential.” You know that you are, and I hope you feel “seen” in the way you deserve to be.

Regarding your experience and your perceptions of the current state of the world, I think it’s more important than ever for all of us to be gentle toward others, and with ourselves. Please, don’t judge others in a way that you don’t want to be judged.

Dear Amy: I have recently had a lot of success selling some items on eBay.

My friend now wants me to sell some things for her.

I told her that I would be glad to come to her home, help her set up an account, take photos, help her write the descriptions, etc.

We are both in our 60s, so I thought I could show her what I have learned. No, she wants me to do it all. Her excuse is that she doesn’t have a computer now, but she has an iPad with WiFi. She tells me she doesn’t trust the Internet.

What do you suggest I do?

eBay Seller: It might be time to start your own business. You could sell your friend’s stuff and receive a percentage of the profit as compensation. You could also buy her things from her outright and perhaps make a profit reselling them.

Otherwise, you have generously offered to assist her. If you don’t want to do any more, you can just tell her, “Well, you can do this yourself, and I’ve offered to show you how, but if you don’t want to, that’s up to you. You can also donate your things, and that might be the better choice for you.”

Dear Amy: “Torn and Troubled in L.A.” spoke to their sadness in losing a relationship with their son’s former girlfriend.

I too left a relationship after almost a decade with my ex. Losing my ex’s parents was one of the hardest parts of that breakup and to this day, I miss those wonderful people dearly.

I still think of them often and still feel an ache from that loss … six years later. Moving on with your life and properly healing from a breakup unfortunately often means no contact with your second set of parents, but I will be forever thankful for their love and kindness.

Ever-Grateful: I hope that at some point you will take the opportunity to send these people a note, acknowledging their impact on your life and expressing your gratitude.

2020 by Amy Dickinson distributed by Tribune Content Agency