Your Virgo Monthly Horoscope for July –

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I know you’re exhausted, Virgo. Astrologers warned you that 2020 was going to be intense—but you weren’t expecting to run a f*cking marathon (or maybe you were literally planning on running a marathon… which was then canceled because of the pandemic). Either way, this year has totally thrown you for a loop. And, I’m sorry to say, July also kicks off with a bang.

This July 4th weekend, a lunar eclipse in Capricorn will electrify the sky (the exact eclipse will occur at 12:44AM EST on July 5). As if perfectly timed with this controversial commemoration, the lunar eclipse marks the final installment of the Cancer-Capricorn series that began two year ago. No doubt you’ve experienced profound change since July 2018, and under this lunation, carve out some time to reflect on all the ways you’ve grown. Namely, what does it mean for you to truly embrace the full extent of your creativity? In which ways have you cultivated your talents? Interests? Passions? At the end of the day, your special gifts are a reflection of your personal voice. At this moment, self-expression is absolutely essential.

But don’t be surprised, however, if you still find yourself a bit stifled by writers’ block. Mercury Retrograde has been a real pain in the ass since June 18 but thankfully, the planet of communication resumes its normal motion on July 12. And thank heavens! With swift-moving Mercury back (and better than ever!), you’ll be sure to find the inspiration you’ve been desperately seeking. Your eureka moment is right around the corner!

The second major lunation of the month occurs on July 20, when the Sun and Moon align in Cancer. Some good news: This is not an eclipse, which means it will be much gentler lunation than what you experienced over these past six-weeks. This New Moon will activate your humanitarian zone, so make a lasting commitment to a social cause. I’m sorry to say, but there are no shortage of injustices in the world and—while you definitely shouldn’t expect to solve all the issues—this is the time to cultivate a game plan for how you can tackle an issue on an ongoing basis. Activism isn’t a fad; it’s a lifelong responsibility.

Finally, the Sun drifts into Leo’s domain on July 22, launching a new astrological season. In the zodiac, Leo comes directly before your sign, which means it illuminates the area of your chart associated with culmination. Likewise, use the next few weeks to investigate the hard-to-reach places in your psyche. What do you need to release in order to move forward? Believe it or not, your birthday season is fast approaching, so embrace this opportunity to take personal inventory of your emotional landscape. Simply put, it’s time for a little midsummer cleaning!

Aliza Kelly is a New York-based astrologer, author, and host.

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