Did the PS5 UI Reveal Just Get Teased by Burger King? – Push Square

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Yeah, that’s not a headline we ever thought we would write. The official Burger King Twitter account has just sent out a tweet featuring the mascot himself opening up a paper bag that would normally contain your usual fries and hamburgers. Except this particular order makes a very strange sound. Do you recognise it? Yes, that’s the very same audio clip that accompanied the tiny slice of the PlayStation 5 user interface we saw way back during June’s Future of Gaming event.

The tweet signs off with a 15th October teaser date, which is this coming Thursday. And the best part? The official PlayStation Twitter account has retweeted it along with a few emojis that very much hint at something possibly happening. Check it all out below.

So, could this really be a PS5 UI reveal for this Thursday or is it just some sort of promotional deal with Burger King where you could win a PS5? Doritos is running the very same competition right now, but this tweet does seem to suggest there’s something more to it. What do you think? Share your theories in the comments below.