Aaron Rodgers says something, sort of, about his situation – NBC Sports

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Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers has let his fingers do the talking.

Rodgers, who has said nothing about his situation with the Packers, clicked the “like” button on the Monday tweet from receiver Davante Adams that created a stir: “Gotta appreciate what u got while ya got it!

It’s unclear whether Adams was saying that he may no longer have one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time throwing passes to him, or whether (looking at the situation more broadly) the Packers and their fans should get ready for what’s coming, because Rodgers may indeed be moving on.

Or maybe it has nothing to do with football altogether. Often, general observations like this are regarded as having specific meaning when maybe they don’t. Sometimes, players fully intend for those general remarks to send a specific message, while also being able to later say that that they were doing no such thing — even if they were.

Ultimately, perhaps that’s why Rodgers liked the tweet. If that’s what Adams was doing, he may have learned that move from Rodgers.