Matt LeBlanc Has Become the Internet’s ‘Irish Uncle’ After ‘Friends’ Reunion Footage – Yahoo Entertainment

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“Friends: The Reunion” is now streaming on HBO Max, and really, it couldn’t BE any sweeter. And while there were plenty of wonderful moments — some in the form of big reveals, some just tooth-achingly sweet — there’s one that seems to be standing out above the rest. Thanks to his penchant for sitting with his arms crossed throughout the reunion, Matt LeBlanc, who played Joey on the sitcom, has been dubbed the Internet’s uncle.

The memes started swirling early on Saturday, and by Sunday morning, LeBlanc was trending as one image of him was memed over and over.

“Matt LeBlanc is your uncle at a wedding buying you too many beers and getting your name mixed up with your siblings while rolling his eyes lovingly at your aunt drunkenly flailing to Dancing Queen,” one person tweeted.

Matt LeBlanc is your uncle at a wedding buying you too many beers and getting your name mixed up with your siblings while rolling his eyes lovingly at your aunt drunkenly flailing to Dancing Queen

— Gav (@miracleofsound) May 29, 2021

Matt LeBlanc looks like your uncle who will still be sharing the Matt LeBlanc meme on Facebook 6 months from now.

— Trinity Collidge Guy (@GlassHalfArsed) May 29, 2021

But more specifically, LeBlanc has drawn specific comparisons to people’s Irish uncle.

“And sure, haven’t you a big job in Dublin?” #mattleblanc

— David T Corry (@DCorry1) May 29, 2021

Siri, please show me a picture of a Irish bachelor who says Minerals instead of soft drink, Eye Talian instead of Italian, has strong opinions about the hurling, won’t eat Lasagne without coleslaw and would be mighty craic at a wedding #mattleblanc

— BiggerthanDavebutsmallerthanBigDave Dave (@LittleBigDaithi) May 29, 2021

Sitting around with the family Christmas night after the last few drinks and leftovers are finished off. “That’s it now lads, all over for another year!” #MattLeBlanc

— Leona Kane (@Leonaa_x) May 29, 2021

Some even PhotoShopped LeBlanc into pub scenes, where he does admittedly fit in pretty seamlessly.

Matt LeBlanc always gits in there before the American tourists do.

— Kevin O’Dowd (@Kevinodubhda) May 29, 2021

Even the Dublin Airport got in on the fun. “Jaysus, I have to get up at 4am to collect the daughter from up above @DublinAirport. (Secretly, he’s more excited than the time he was on the Just a Minute Quiz.)” the airport’s account posted.

Jaysus, I have to get up at 4am to collect the daughter from up above @DublinAirport. (Secretly, he’s more excited than the time he was on the Just a Minute Quiz.) #mattleblanc

— Dublin Airport (@DublinAirport) May 29, 2021

And how does LeBlanc feel about his adoption by Irish Twitter? Well, for Irish Twitter, it doesn’t really matter.

Matt LeBlanc tearfully: But I’m an Actor! I live in Los Angeles!

The People of Ireland: No. Your name is Paudie. You live in Roscommon. You love Pints and GAA and you’re everyone’s uncle now.

— Conor 🇵🇸 (@Erne_Kid) May 29, 2021

In years to come Matt LeBlanc will be utterly perplexed at the role he played in the reunification of Ireland.

— Sheamus #FreePalestine🇵🇸 (@CIndoctrinator) May 29, 2021

Read original story Matt LeBlanc Has Become the Internet’s ‘Irish Uncle’ After ‘Friends’ Reunion Footage At TheWrap