3 Zodiac Signs Whose Friendships Come First During Venus In Libra Starting August 15, 2021 – YourTango

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Three zodiac signs whose friendships come first during Venus in Libra starting on August 15, 2021.

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Are you the kind of person who sells your best friend out when you’re in the presence of the person you crush on?

That’s really flimsy behavior, and it shows a really weak character.

Friends are our treasures, and a true friend is worth everything in the world – even the temporary hurt feelings of a crush who didn’t get all of your attention at the moment they demanded it.

Venus in Libra is all about love – and respect. It’s about friendships that rise to the surface when they’re called upon. It’s about knowing who is real in your life – and it’s also about honoring friendships by showing these folks that you stand by your word when the time comes.

If anyone is going to be thrown under the bus during this transit, it’s the whiney lover who can’t handle the fact that you actually care about someone other than them.

Friendships definitely come first during Venus in Libra, and that’s a good thing.

This is the season where we come to know who really is on our side, and who’d just phoning it in.

If you have a best friend, consider yourself lucky, because this is the relationship that could potentially last a lifetime. Honor that!

Which signs know that friendships come first, during Venus in Libra?

Zodiac signs whose friendships come first during Venus in Libra starting on August 15, 2021:

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

You are truly one of the best friends a person could be lucky enough to get; and you expect the same from your friends as well.

You are a stand up friend, someone who comes through at any given time of the day or night. In this case, you are the friend who is turned to when someone in your life starts to go through difficult times.

Your friend feels that only you could understand – and they’d be correct.

You both agree that the partners you’re presently involved with can’t do the job a friend can do – at this particular juncture in time, and so when it’s time to step up, you’re there.

When Venus is in Libra, all heads turn your way, but only one head means something to you: the one that belongs to your friend. You are someone’s hero, Taurus – you didn’t ask for that title, but you sure know how to make it real. 

RELATED: 5 Brutal Truths About Loving A Taurus (As Written By One)

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Venus in Libra works very well in your world, Sagittarius, and that is because it touches upon the thing you value the most in this life: friendship.

For a friend, you’ll go the distance. In fact, you have – You’ve traveled miles for friends, put yourself on the line for friends – there’s nothing you won’t do for a friend because this kind of connection, to you, is what makes life worth living.

Your friendships are special; you share secrets – secret lives, you travel in your imaginations to the stars, the planets…only a friend can understand you.  Lovers take a different path to your heart, but friends, well, they are the direct route to love, in your opinion.

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This transit makes this more than obvious to you and on August 15, that friendship-meter is going to be ringing like crazy. You know love as ‘making a friend happy.’ That’s all you need.

RELATED: How A Sagittarius Shows Love To Other Zodiac Signs, Per Astrology

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

You may not be known as the warmest sign of the Zodiac, but you have your principals, and they are rock solid.

Those principles reflect your desire to be the best friend ever, to someone who deserves this honor.

If called upon, you deliver – if you need to bypass your partner to get your friend what they need, then you do so with military precision. You may not be expressive in matters of love, but you show up for the friendship in action – and in money, if need be.

You are generous to a fault, and you never look back. Your decisions are firm, and they are all about being with and helping out your friend, if need be.

No lover stands in your way, and even though you respect your partner – you can separate love and friendship, knowing where to be when you are called upon. For friendships that means something to you – nothing stands in your way.

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Ruby Miranda has been practicing I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda