Awesome Games Done Quick 2022 Breaks Record For Money Raised – Nintendo Life

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Image: GDQ

AGDQ, the annual charity speedrunning marathon, has set a record this year for its fundraising — fantastic news, considering that the first COVID-19 online-only event last year resulted in a dip in funds.

In January 2020, AGDQ raised $3,164,002 for the Prevent Cancer Foundation, over half a million more than its previous year’s fundraising total of $2,425,790. In 2021, the pandemic forced the event to go online, and raised $2,776,053 — a significant drop, thanks to the stupid coronavirus.

This year, GDQ is back on form, with a whopping $3,416,780 raised — resulting in the highest-ever donation record at any GDQ event, including Summer Games Done Quick, where the record is currently $3,039,596. In total, all GDQ events have now raised over $35 million for charity!

It’s not the only fundraising record that AGDQ 2022 set, either: This year was also the shortest amount of time that it took to raise $1 million. You can watch that happen here during a Rocket League speedrun.


Over the 12 years that the Games Done Quick speedrun marathons have existed, the amount raised for charity has increased by over 30,000%. AGDQ’s proceeds go towards the Prevent Cancer Foundation, while SGDQ’s funds go to Doctors Without Borders.

Viewers who donate can put their donations towards prizes, like this Surfing Pikachu blanket, or towards “goals” like bonus game speedruns, or forcing one speedrunner to apologise for being mean about Bulbasaur.

According to at least one person on Twitter, there were even more records set this year — seven world records, that is, for games that were speedrun (speedranned?) on stream.

Did you catch AGDQ this year? Did you donate to this record amount? Let us know in the comments!