Brett Favre throw stones at Deshaun Watson from the porch of a glass house – NBC Sports

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Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre has every right to express his opinion on any and all topics on which he chooses to express an opinion. And anyone who chooses to react to Favre’s opinion with an opinion of their own has that right to do so.

Case in point: Favre has chimed in on the Deshaun Watson situation in Houston. Watson wants out, and the team has not slammed the door on the possibility of trading him. Favre, speaking to Yahoo Sports, offered up a quote that can fairly be called nonsensical, at best.

“You get paid a ton of money to do a certain job, and just do it, and let the chips fall where they may,” Favre said. “I think we make too much money to voice an opinion, but I’m not saying he’s wrong. Again, I think it’s a different day and time, and it’ll be interesting to see how the organization handles it.”

So, basically, Favre says Watson should shut up and play but maybe he shouldn’t because maybe he’s right and things are different than they used to be and let’s see if the Texans give Watson the thing that he may or may not have a right to ask for.

Watson’s agent, David Mulugheta, simply thinks Favre should shut up. “Brett should probably stop throwing stones from that glass house he’s sitting in,” Mulugheta said on Twitter.

Mulugheta is right. Favre basically held the Packers hostage for several years with his incessant musings about retirement. Then, after he retired, he decided he wanted to play for someone other than the Packers. So he showed up out of the blue and forced a trade. He wanted desperately to be traded in the NFC North. The Packers refused, but Favre ended up in Minnesota after a season with the Jets.

So how is what Favre did in 2008 different from what Watson is doing in 2021? The only difference is that it took Favre a full year to get what he wanted.