Cowboys QB Dak Prescott Opens Up About Brothers Suicide – Sports Illustrated

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FRISCO – We’ve written often in this space that Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott has a gift for “compartmentalizing” all of the aspects of his life.

He’s done that with the April suicide of his beloved brother Jace … and now he’s talking about that particular “burden.”

“As much as you ask why, I knew my brother,’’ Prescott said on “In Depth with Graham Bensinger.” “He had a lot of burdens on him. He had a lot of tough things and my sense of saying that is it showed me how vulnerable we have to be as humans, how open we have to be. Our adversities, our struggles (and) what we go through is always gonna be too much for ourselves (and) maybe even one or two people, but never too much for a community or family you love. So you have to share those things.”

Jace was 31, one of the three Prescott brothers still saddened by the 2013 death of their mother, Peggy.

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READ MORE: Jace ‘Moose’ Prescott, Brother of Cowboys QB Dak, Dead at 31

“He saw the times where she would have to spend probably 10-plus hours throwing up,” Dak said of Jace, “and saw the medicine she had to take. Almost, you can’t even put into words, the burden.

“I mean, it’s something only Jace knew. And he didn’t necessarily share that.”

Prescott, who is featured in the interview along with brother Tad, and who is of course – as part of the “compartmentalizing” also preparing to lead the Cowboys into the NFL season starting with Sunday’s Week 1 game at the Rams – said he learned of his brother’s death from his father, who woke him with the news.

“Obviously tears and tears and tears,” Prescott said of his reaction. “I mean, I sat there and tried to gather what had happened, and wanted to ask why for so many reasons. … I’ll never get another hug like the ones he gave.”