Jeff Bezos Makes ‘Out There’ Prediction About Humanity’s Future – Deadline

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Billionaire Jeff Bezos doesn’t see us lasting much longer on earth. Speaking at the Ignatius Forum in Washington, DC this week, Bezos provided his vision for where humanity is headed

He claimed earth might one day become a vacation destination, just like our national parks. All manufacturing would be in outer space, with workers permitted occasional visits to the surface.

Yes, humans will be born in space and then visit, “The way you visit Yellowstone National Park.”

Bezos dreams of floating space cities that contain rivers, forests and wildlife, he said during his panel discussion. the Independent reported.

“Over centuries, many people will be born in space, it will be their first home,” said the Amazon entrepreneur. “They will be born on these colonies, live on these colonies, then they’ll visit Earth the way you would visit, you know, Yellowstone National Park.”

He added that the floating cities of the future are more likely than colonizing distant planets, a subtle dig at Elon Musk’s predictions of Mars.

Bezos didn’t indicate whether Amazon would deliver to the floating cities.