Joseph James DeAngelo Jr. pleads guilty to murders tagged to Californias Golden State Killer – USA TODAY

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Joseph James DeAngelo, center, who is accused of being the Golden State Killer, is helped up by his attorney, Diane Howard, as Sacramento Superior Court Judge Michael Bowman enters the courtroom in Sacramento, Calif., on June 29. To accommodate the large number of people attending, the hearing was held at a ballroom at California State University to allow for social distancing.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – A former police officer accused of terrorizing California as a serial burglar and rapist and killing more than a dozen people while evading capture for decades pleaded guilty Monday to murders attributed to a criminal dubbed the Golden State Killer.

Joseph James DeAngelo, who was arrested in 2018, had remained almost silent in court until he uttered the word “guilty” in a hushed and raspy voice multiple times. The plea agreement will spare him the death penalty but carries a life sentence with no chance of parole.

DeAngelo, 74, has never publicly acknowledged the killings but offered up a confession of sorts after his arrest that cryptically referred to an inner personality named “Jerry” that purportedly forced him to commit the wave of crimes that ended in 1986.

“I did all that,” DeAngelo said to himself while alone in a police interrogation room after his arrest in April 2018, Sacramento County prosecutor Thien Ho said.

“I didn’t have the strength to push him out,” DeAngelo said. “He made me. He went with me. It was like in my head, I mean, he’s a part of me. I didn’t want to do those things. I pushed Jerry out and had a happy life. I did all those things. I destroyed all their lives. So now I’ve got to pay the price.”

The day of reckoning had come for DeAngelo, Ho said.

Joseph Cress, left, the public defender for Joseph James DeAngelo, charged with being the Golden State Killer, adjusts the microphone for his client during a hearing in Sacramento Superior Court in Sacramento, Calif. Monday June 29, 2020.

DeAngelo was seated in a wheelchair on a makeshift stage in a university ballroom that could accommodate hundreds of observers a safe distance apart during the coronavirus pandemic. He acknowledged he would plead guilty to 13 counts of murder and dozens of rapes that are too old to prosecute.

“The scope of Joseph DeAngelo’s crimes is simply staggering,” Ho said. ”Each time he escaped, slipping away silently into the night.”

The large room at Sacramento State University was made to look like a state courtroom with the seal of the Sacramento County Superior Court behind the judge’s chair and U.S. and state flags on the waist-high riser that served as a sort of stage for a proceeding that had a theater-like feel. Large screens flanked the makeshift stage, so spectators in the ballroom could follow the livestreamed hearing.

People gather in a courtroom set up in a ballroom where a 74-year-old former police officer is tentatively set to plead guilty Monday, June 29, 2020, to being the elusive Golden State Killer in Sacramento, Calif. The hearing comes 40 years after a sadistic suburban rapist terrorized California in what investigators only later realized were a series of linked assaults and slayings. The plea deal will spare Joseph DeAngelo any chance of the death penalty, but in partial return survivors of the assaults that spanned the 1970s and 1980s expect him to admit to dozens of rapes that could not be criminally charged because too much time has elapsed. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)

DeAngelo wore a plastic face shield to prevent the spread of the virus. Temperatures were taken of everyone in the room, and even the judge wore a mask when he wasn’t speaking.

DNA led to DeAngelo

DeAngelo, a Vietnam veteran and a grandfather, hadn’t been on the radar of investigators who spent years trying to track down the culprit.

It wasn’t until after the crimes ended that investigators connected a series of assaults in central and Northern California to slayings in Southern California and settled on the umbrella “Golden State Killer” nickname for the mysterious assailant.

DeAngelo was caught after police used DNA from crime scenes to find a distant relative through a popular genealogy website database, then built a family tree that eventually led them to him. They tailed DeAngelo and secretly collected DNA from his car door and a discarded tissue to get an arrest warrant.

The retired truck mechanic was arrested at his home in the Sacramento suburbs – the same area he allegedly terrorized in the mid-1970s in a series of attacks attributed to the “East Area Rapist.” Victims described a masked prowler who slipped into homes through open windows and tied them up at gunpoint.

He tied up husbands and boyfriends and told them he’d kill them if they made a sound while he assaulted the women. The attacker would slip off into the dark on foot or by bicycle, evading police.

DeAngelo knew the territory well.

He had started on the police force in the San Joaquin Valley farm town of Exeter in 1973, where he is suspected to have committed his first burglaries and first killing.

DeAngelo was among the officers trying to find a serial burglar in the neighboring city of Visalia responsible for about 100 break-ins.

Community college professor Claude Snelling was killed by the “Visalia Ransacker” after trying to prevent him from kidnapping his 16-year-old daughter.

After three years on the force, DeAngelo moved back to the Sacramento area, where he got a job with the Auburn Police Department in the Sierra foothills. He held that job until 1979 when he was caught shoplifting dog repellent and a hammer – two items that could be of use to a burglar.

‘Our lives are tied to him, again’

Victims’ family members were anxious about what to expect before the court hearing.

“I’ve been on pins and needles because I just don’t like that our lives are tied to him, again,” said Jennifer Carole, the daughter of Lyman Smith, a lawyer who was slain in 1980 at age 43 in Ventura County. His wife, Charlene Smith, 33, was raped and killed.

Jennifer Carole, daughter of Lyman Smith, who was killed in 1980, attended a court hearing  during the Golden State Killer trial in August 2018   in Sacramento, Calif.

A guilty plea and life sentence avoids a trial or even the planned weekslong preliminary hearing. The victims expect to confront DeAngelo at his sentencing in August, where it’s likely to take several days to tell DeAngelo and Sacramento County Superior Court Judge Michael Bowman what they have suffered.

Gay and Bob Hardwick were among the survivors looking forward to DeAngelo admitting to their assault in 1978.

The death penalty was never realistic, Gay Hardwick said, given DeAngelo’s age and Gov. Gavin Newsom’s moratorium on executions.

“He certainly does deserve to die, in my view, so I am seeing that he is trading the death penalty for death in prison,” she said. “It will be good to put the thing to rest. I think he will never serve the sentence that we have served – we’ve served the sentence for 42 years.”

Melley reported from Los Angeles.